The Glyph
- "Glyph" may refer to
- the Forerunner use of concentric geometric patterns as appearing throughout Halos in its Bungie era, and in the "Iris" campaign
- the literary alphabet used by Forerunner in much of the content from Halo 4 and Section 3
Halo 4: Section 3
Halo 3: Iris
Symbol (locked)
This is the first glyph that appeared. It has the full circular shape.
Appeared in the mass email sent out by Microsoft. | AdjutantReflex's second avatar. | Found in a Circuit City ad. | Found in a latin american magazine Halo 3 ad. | Seen at the end of the Halo 3 comic | Evidence of the Ancients on the SOTA website. | Gamerpic awarded to those who unlocked Server 01 | Image posted with recent FCC ads |
Symbol (upper right)
This is the 2nd glyph that appeared. There is one arch missing from the upper right quadrant, and the circle in the center has moved to the new outcrop which was before shorter and within the outer boundary.
From an image of Master Chief, found on the reflection on his visor. | The glyph that is on the back of Server 01. | The glyph in the faint background when choosing location in Server 01. | (adjusted) The glyph that appears faintly on the stars at |
Symbol (upper left)
This is the 3rd glyph that appeared. There is one arch missing from the upper left quadrant, and the circle in the center is still outside the boundary.
Found on StarImage1.jpg. |
Symbol (locked, hollow)
This is the 4th glyph that appeared, found on, in a new cardboard promo for Halo 3.
- Very similar to the 'locked' version above, but it has no center circle/dot
Found on a cardboard ad. |
Symbol (lower right)
This is the 5th glyph that appeared. There is one arch missing from the lower right quadrant, and the circle is located on the upper right spoke.
The glyph that is on the back of Server 02. | Found on StarImage4.jpg. |
Symbol (lower left)
This is the 6th glyph that appeared. There is one arch missing from the lower left quadrant, with a circle still outside the boundary against the spoke.
Found on StarImage2.jpg. | The glyph that is on the back of Server 04. |
Symbol (lower middle)
This is the 7th glyph that appeared. There is one arch missing from the lower quadrant, and the circle is located on the lower right spoke.
The glyph that is on the back of Server 03. | Found on StarImage3.jpg. |
Symbol (locked, inverted)
This is the 8th glyph that appeared. It is the same as the common Iris glyph (aka Chrysopteron, AdjutantReflex's avatar)
The glyph appeared for a single frame at the end of the Server 03 video. |
Other Glyphs
- Several known Forerunner symbols exist. Information about them can be found here.
Moon Phases
- Sparked by a post from Foz, a theory came about that the glyph may be representative of lunar phases.
- June 14th, AdjutantReflex indicated it 'had begun' - a new moon.
- June 21st, Server 01 opened - first quarter
- June 30th - full/blue moon
- July 7th - last quarter
- July 14th - new moon
- Some clips from the Server 01 video seem to depict the moon, and the beam projected from the Ark may be aimed towards the moon (but that's a guess)
- The Forerunner installation on earth may be a gateway... or the moon may be a Key of some kind... the theory being that a connection would be made between the Forerunner installation and the moon when a specific alignment is met - shown by the glyph, moon phases.
- At each of those Glyph phases, we may be able to expect a revelation.
- The glyph could therefore be viewed as a countdown - not just a numeric server counter, but an actual 5 step countdown to a larger event.
What The Symbol Means
Something looked familiar when I first glanced at this avatar - it resembles a carbon atom. If the symbols each have a meaning; this one means life.
- Life cannot exist without carbon. (as far as we know)
- It makes sense because of what the Ark is suggested to have preserved (life)
- Carbon's atomic number is six
- There are six total points
- The inside two points represent the two electrons on the inner electron cloud (red)
- The four outside represent the four electrons on the outer electron cloud (black)
- Carbon is the "logo" for life
- It has been said that chemistry is universal... and that other life in the universe would understand it
-- TheHardcore