From Halo
Outline - Week 4, July 1 - 7, 2007
June, 2007
July, 2007
August, 2007
July 4, 2007
- A 4th glyph was reported by args.bungie.org, in a new cardboard promo for Halo 3. -- Very similar to the initial closed version of AR's avatar, but it has no center circle/dot
July 5, 2007
- Valchael on the bungie.net forums announced he'd received a package from Microsoft containing a number of SOTA-related items. He was one of the first 100 to open Server 01. It's expected that packages were sent to all 100 - whether each will receive their package depends on the validity of their addresses (entered either directly, or via their Passport/XBL account).
- The package contains
(1) A T-shirt (front/back)
(2) a copy of the SOTA flyer
(3) a printed version of the Halo 3 comic
(4) a slip of paper with an XBL key redeemable for an Iris glyph gamerpic (see right).
- The package contains
- nattyhaze on arg.bungie.org discovered via google numerous classified postings for a company called Flood Containment Control (text displayed on the Slide_Ref070107.jpg), containing an image with the original 'closed' version of the glyph. The ads contain the phone number, (888) 778-5672, which has an interesting recording. Details here (actually discovered July 6th)
July 7, 2007
- The message on the flood containment control call number has changed to a conversation between two men. Of note is a reference to "402-K-07-002". suitedjock googled the number, which lead to an EPA webpage referring to a booklet "EPA 402-K-07-002", Flood Cleanup and the Air in Your Home.
- The new recording says this (listen):
- Op (British Female): Welcome to the Strema Conferencing center. Please enter your pin, followed by
- Caller: #### (131#?)
- Op:Password accepted. Now accessing conference archive number 16180, participant 1-2.
- Man 1: ...isn't necessary, and neither is the doc download.
- Man 2: I agree. This isn't going to be a public resource. Uh, pass on the document number so I can delete it
- (pause)
- Man 1: There's no way to tell yet, Jaimie's looking into the records to find out how many closed sites there are, but as for active clean up, somewhere around 3-4 thousand. Oh here it is. Uh, Hold on. 402-K-07-002 and in terms of numbers most of these are past the (PPE?) stage.
- (pause)
- Man 2: With a few exceptions, uh, site 34. . . .
- Op (American Female): --Thank you for calling. Goodbye.