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The website was discovered by crazyBoy3, a poster on Bunige.net, and then other members began treating the numbers found in the final page of the Halo 3 comic as an IP address. (Direct Link)


June 14 1.png

As of late evening June 14, the contents were as follows:

Iris Initiated - Vio Transmit + 3 588 000
Searching Re-route...... /confirmed/

System Bypass In Progress. - Realignment Proceeding

((COUNTDOWN TO 06/21/07 12:00AM)) Remaining
  • Note: The countdown is running down in base 7, not base 10 decimal.
(eg, 1 through 20 in base 7 would be: 1,2,3,4,5,6,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,20,21,22,23,24,25,26) 2.png

Around midnight June 14, the contents were updated to:

Rotate Transition Point /negative/
Local Interference - Negligible

/confirmed/ Realignment Proceeding

((COUNTDOWN TO 06/21/07 12:00AM)) Remaining
June 15 3.png

Around midnight June 15, the contents were updated to:

/confirm bounce alignment/
Confirmed - Alignment Request Compiling

Hibernation Resumed

((COUNTDOWN TO 06/21/07 12:00AM)) Remaining
June 16 4.png

Around midnight June 16, the contents were updated to:

Transmission Interruption - Go Dark /negative/
Possible Intercept - System Bypass Imminent

/adjust bypass according to threat/ Fluctuating

((COUNTDOWN TO 06/21/07 12:00AM)) Remaining
June 17

Around midnight June 17, the contents were updated to:

Iris Transmission Complete
Awaiting Delivery

/time to awareness/

((COUNTDOWN TO 06/21/07 12:00AM)) Remaining
June 18

Mid-afternoon June 18, the contents were updated to:

System Breach.
Failure ##myqse7##rf


((COUNTDOWN TO 06/21/07 12:00AM)) Remaining
The coundown speed also appears to be increasing. thebruce has a theory which may be chalked up to a code bug
June 19

At midnight the countdown page was once again updated:

System Override.
Core Relevance 37% and Rising.

/negative - system control diverted/

((COUNTDOWN TO 06/21/07 12:00AM)) Remaining

Around 2PM PDT, the countdown page was once again updated:

/Systemic failure. Root cause unknown./

/ rebooting /

((COUNTDOWN TO 06/21/07 12:00AM)) Remaining
The timer has also stopped ticking, showing "001 012 034 053 Remaining"
  • BoonIsha at unfiction noted that the stopped countdown timer of "001-012-034-053", when treated as GPS coordinates 1.12, 34.53 result in a location in South Africa, on the border of Uganda and Kenya. Further investigation reveals that the point is in the middle of one of the largest calderas in the world, at the tip of Mount Elgon, also home to some "unusual caves", and not far from Voi. It is likely that this caldera is the site of the Halo 3 announcement trailer.
June 20
  • At 12:00AM EDT, the text above the countdown disappeared, leaving the halted timer.
  • At about 9:00PM EDT, the page began redirecting all visitors to the Bounce Path Control page
  • Once the server was unlocked, the website began directing all visitors to Server 01
  • The IP continues to direct to Server 01, while Server 02, 03, and 04 are hosted in sub-folders, likely as will subsequent servers.
misc game content
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