Data pad 3

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Halo: Reach

Data Pads

Easy-Heroic: Pad 1 / Pad 2 / Pad 3 / Pad 4 / Pad 5 / Pad 6 / Pad 7 / Pad 8 / Pad 9
Legendary: Pad 10 / Pad 11 / Pad 12 / Pad 13 / Pad 14 / Pad 15 / Pad 16 / Pad 17 / Pad 18 / Pad 19

Each data pad has its pad number hidden in the text of its first page, for proper ordering.

Data Pad 3

Reach Datapad3.jpg
  • Located on Nightfall

i can hear them all the tim3 now but i just want to sleep its been so long since they let me sleep...

<< 2381 >>

>> A suggestion from the Majority to the Committee:

Traditionally our creators have been reluctant to take outsiders' advice; nation to nation, culture to culture. Their history is littered with empires, crumbling for want of simple openness to so-called 'foreign' beliefs and innovations. >>

>> The question is: can this Assembly still function as adequate stewards to our creator's latest empire and remain aloof?

The answer, we believe, is no.

So could you not imbed inspiration in the results of your research? Surely it would be more effective if our creators believed our conclusions originated within themselves? That they have been inspired rather than influenced? >>

[^] A question from the Committee to the Majority:

Are you suggesting we play God? [^]

<-- Data pad 2 | Next: Data pad 4 -->
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