Jonas Volman

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Jonas Volman


via profvol49

Interacting with Jonas (a chat bot) on MSN Messenger revealed various bits of information (programmed responses). Most significantly:

Where have you been?
Doing research for my new book.
What is your new book?
The Places the Earth Stands Still.
Where does the earth stand still?
Would you like to see one of these locations?
This will help get you there. Click here --->

This URL redirects the browser to Server 04's Bounce Path Control page, where users enter keys to unlock the server.


are you married?
[person's username], we've chatted for a while already so you're starting to get to know me. Do you think I am married?
I like being not married!

This could be a fault in the bot's response as he says the responce, so take it with a grain of salt

What do you know about the forrunners?
quite a bit.
Can you tell me?
I will not.
It's very good to be polite, but if I can't I can't.


How old are you?
Where are you?
The Midwest
Where in the Midwest?
A small little town. It doesn't really matter.
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