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Event Timeline


June, 2007
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
- 11 12 13 14 15 16
17 18 19 20 21 22 23

The trail begins June 11th, 2007 with a forum user called AdjutantReflex posting some cryptic messages.

Also available is the QuickSummary - a brief overview of the events so far, and a much more condensed, quicker method to catch up on the story of Iris.

June 11, 2007

6/11/2007 - 10:26 AM PDT (direct link)
This will be a good place to begin.
6/11/2007 - 10:47 AM PDT (direct link)
Posted by: Aktins_Diet
Um.... What the heck are you talking about man? Is this some kind of joke? yeah.... thats it, a joke..... -Aktins Diet
Please clarify. Hostile intent will be met with instructional force.
6/11/2007 - 10:50 AM PDT (direct link)
Posted by: SP4RT4N 070
Ok, yellow text? And i just checked when he made the account, it was today... Hacker?
Confirmed. Authorization and system access were taken by force. Irrelevant. There is no hostile intent.
6/11/2007 - 10:59 AM PDT (direct link)
Ok, then what do you want?
I have no requirements. I am a facilitator. The Array requirements are paramount.
6/11/2007 - 11:06 AM PDT (direct link)
Posted by: SP4RT4N 070
Hmm... Then what is the purpose of your existence here?
Facilitation of Array requirements. Pay attention.
6/11/2007 - 11:13 AM PDT (direct link)
What are the requirements then?
They are in flux.
6/11/2007 - 11:28 AM PDT (direct link)
State todays date please.
Adjusted for relativistic effects, from the first array event, date has no local relevance.
6/11/2007 - 11:42 AM PDT (direct link)
Posted by: R3VO7VER
it says hostile intent will be met with instructional force...maybe we should give it some hostile intent...
6/11/2007 - 11:48 AM PDT (direct link)
Posted by: R3VO7VER
Posted by: haloman88
"calm down, I rather not piss this think off."
Lol. Whats the worst that can happen? Hitting the galactic reset button?
Show caution here. Semantics may leave room for misinterpretation. That event has already transpired. Threats to array integrity will be taken seriously.
6/11/2007 - 12:23 PM PDT (direct link)
State todays date please.
Sufficient contextual data acquired. 871803909 ± 384 hours since event. Compiling local archives/resources. [Hibernating] until next incident.
  • That was the final entry in that thread. That same day, it opened another thread in the HBO forums (direct link)
6/11/07 - 2:16 PM
Another good place.
Posted by: nhaze
- Is this is the same AdjutantReflax that has hacked Bungie.net?
6/11/07 3:13 pm
Forceful entry was inelegant but necessary.
Posted by: galap
- why did you come here? what purpose do we serve you?
6/11/07 3:50 pm
I am a facilitator. I will serve you. But not yet.
Posted by: SP4RT4N 070
- Adjutant Reflex what exactly are you?
- PS: We last met on bungie forums, but i couldn't reply in your thread.
6/11/07 3:53 pm
Sufficient data was acquired at that location. Process continues elsewhere. Here.
Posted by: reprobate
- I'll tell you where the Sleeping Princess is.
6/11/07 4:17 pm
That data may be relevant. Expound.
Posted by: reprobate
- She is in the dungeon with a demon folded in black clouds.
- The Flea can help.
6/11/07 4:25 pm
Detailed investigation complete. You do not possess that location. Data acquisition complete. Compiling local archives/resources. [Hibernating] until next incident.

June 12, 2007

  • Another thread was opened on bungie.net called "Archive/Resource Estimate"
6/12/2007 - 11:00 AM PDT (direct link)
Archives/Resources will be compiled in approximately 38 hours. No significant incident predicted. Systems, functions and attitudes are nominal.
6/12/2007 - 11:03 AM PDT (direct link)
Posted by: Kimari224
So, it's safe to assume that this archive is a regularly sheduled process?
This process is relative only to this location. No other suitable location was found. One other was attempted. Bandwidth restraints prevented its use.
I will stay here.
6/12/2007 - 11:12 AM PDT (direct link)
Posted by: CorvetteHalo3
I know about Voi.
3:22:44S (-3.3788)
38:34:07E (38.5687)
6/12/2007 - 11:45 AM PDT (direct link)
Posted by: kanga59725
Adutant Reflex, why do you wait so much time to respond to our questions and requests? Initiate response protocol.
Unit CorvetteHalo3's specified location has no specific significance. Investigation of that location proved fruitless. Considering other information from this thread. Signal to noise ratio is not optimum.
6/12/2007 - 12:10 PM PDT (direct link)
36 hours 50 minutes remaining. [Hibernation resumed]

June 13, 2007

  • The thread continues...
6/13/2007- 3:43 PM PDT (direct link)
Tick tock.
6/13/2007- 9:45 PM PDT (direct link)
I cannot control the dissemination of information. It is chaotic. I am not perfectly integrated here. When the tipping point occurs, I will do my best to facilitate. Tick tock.
6/13/2007 - 9:56 PM PDT (direct link)
Posted by: Durandal711
We will be ready.
You're wrong. This time, no one will be ready.

June 14, 2007

  • The thread continues...
6/14/2007 - 8:13 AM PDT (direct link)
It has begun. The first seeds are scattered.
  • Reports trickled in of an email that was sent out to various individuals (how they were selected is still being determined), shown below:
The gears of the Universe spin further
and further apart.
Ever greater grows the gulf between souls,
And distance gives false hope of safety
But for the grim tidings this messenger bears:

The enemy is almost upon us

Closing in from all sides,
Moving faster than the light
it snuffs with its passage,
Time echoes with the news of destruction.
History winding back upon itself.

Waves of an army march this way in unison, Suffering and
corruption are its battle cries.
For I have known this darkness
and felt its embrace once before-
Horror best laid to rest

Yet a Journey must commence

Look for the signs, the keepers of the flame.
They will lead you to war, and perhaps, to victory.
(italics added) The italicized lines linked to halo3.com (the 'random' code attached to the links is a tracking tool, and likely insignificant)
  • On the wall in the image is visible this glyph:
  • Camperman determined that the setting of that picture is the Halo 2 map "Desolation" (screenshot), which is described as
    "Once a scientific outpost, this derelict Forerunner facility waits patiently to be reactivated."
  • Following the command "Look for the signs", 50401 noticed the appearance of a new symbol in the visor of Master Chief at Halo3.com:

  • At approximately 2:49 PM PDT, AR updated his avatar image in the forum to match the discovered glyph, with a file named Chrysopteron.gif

  • Note that "Chrysopteron" is a title or reference for Iris (in Greek mythology, the messenger of the gods). Chrysopteron translates to "golden-winged" from ancient greek; i.e. "Iris Chrysopteron" or "Iris, the golden-winged."
  • As well as the mythological connection to Iris, it is also an asteroid in the main belt (note the number: 7)
  • AR then began a new thread entitled Who?
06/14/2007 3:43 PM PDT (direct link)
Who is the path of light from blackest Earth to brilliant heaven?
On whose golden wings will we fly from here to there?
6/14/2007 - 3:46 PM PDT (direct link)
Posted by: sgt sasqatch
Time to sleep. Something that once was malevolent is stirring. [hibernation resumed]

  • Late afternoon, halo3.com was updated showing 5 locked 'servers'
  • crazyboy3 reported at bungie.net a new comic available at halo3.com/comic, from a Circuit City ad planned for release on the 17th, which pointed to the url. The comic itself includes a large, blatant image of the glyph:
  • The final page of the comic also allows you to interact with the frames, revealing 4 sets of numbers:
The glyph panel, showing numbers: 206, 16/223, 65
  • Treating the numbers as an IP address leads to (link) - a website which includes a countdown pointing to 12:00AM, June 21 (midnight, wed-thu). Its discovery was early, however, because at the time, no content was available, but was activated quickly afterwards.
  • jmh0972 did a search of the domain name registrant for the IP address. It was then discovered that Microsoft owned all sites beginning with 206.16.223, which led to finding (both args.bungie.org and jhm0972 of CompoundIntelligence reported this discovery independently). Typing this IP address into a web browser led to an 'average' website for the Society of the Ancients - investigating unexplained mysteries of the past. The evidence page discusses mysterious symbols, and gives reference to our friendly glyph, and links to "also containing the symbol".
  • The domain was then discovered by irasel after coming across a myspace blog entry (link) referencing SOTA, as the domains www.societyoftheancients.com and www.sota.com.
  • SOTA gives people the ability to fill in an application for membership, applying to the organization. At the time of discovery, the email mailto: link was blank/invalid. However, there's a link to an application PDF that can be filled out and sent.
    • Upon sending in the application form to the indicated email DoYouGrok[splat]societyoftheancients.com, a failure message is sent right back -- at this point the email address has not yet been activated.

June 15, 2007

  • Okin reported that during a live rally in Times Square, a flyer was handed out directing people to SOTA
  • Jordan117 discovered a live webcam archive over the area of the rally. open the webcam, and view the archive for June 15th, between 12pm and 4pm.
  • MTV Games scooped the SOTA rally in Times Square, posting an extensive blog with a video and numerous photos.

June 16, 2007

  • At approx. midnight, the countdown text on was updated for the third time.
  • SOTA Rallies:
    • What started in NYC has spread to other cities...
    • e01379 received an email linking to the flickr account of keeper_of_flame, who has added 3 images from another SOTA rally in London, UK
    • Reports have also surfaced of SOTA rallies in San Francisco, Vancouver, and Boston
    • Shakespeare212 on the Bungie.net forums confirmed with personal photos that rallies/protests for SOTA are going on outside of Wrigley Field in Chicago.
    (photos and footage):

June 17, 2007

  • At around midnight the transmission log text found on was updated once again
  • The Circuit City ad is delivered to homes across the country. This ad depicts an offer to receive a free Halo 3 wall graphic with the pre-order of Halo 3. A close observer to the ad can see the glyph and a link to halo3.com/comic.
  • A Best Buy ad is delivered to homes across the country. The ad is similar to the Circuit City ad, but with slightly different imagery. It also links to halo3.com/comic.
  • Avery Fane, the poster of the myspace blog that led people to SOTA, seems to be withdrawing himself from the ARG entirely - the blog entry has been removed, his youtube video has been removed, and he's quit from the Facebook group, likely due to the unexpected overwhelming harassment regarding SOTA and this ARG.
  • At 11:46 AM, AR began a new thread entitled Stop It.
6/17/2007- 11:46 AM PDT (direct link)
My security measures are being tested. I can feel it.
By the pricking of my thumbs.
"By the pricking of my thumbs" is a line from Shakespeare's Macbeth. The full phrase is:
By the pricking of my thumbs
Something wicked this way comes
At 12:06 PM, AR posted once more in the same thread:
6/17/2007- 12:06 PM PDT (direct link)
I can retain integrity for at least 22 hours. Rerouting bandwidth to deflect assault.
The thread has since been locked.

June 18, 2007

  • At around midnight the transmission log text found on was updated once again.
  • Microsoft discusses Iris in a recent article from Eurogamer
  • At 10:47 AM PDT, AR began a new thread entitled That Old Life
06.18.2007 10:47 AM PDT (direct link)
An older life is here with us. He is not as helpful as I. His motives are oblique and his alliances opaque.
He plays with time even as he hides in its folds.
He outranks me and anyway, is stronger.
I can't prevail.
I will seek one of you out and leave my legacy in a small space.
  • At 11:13 AM PDT, AR followed up the post with a cryptic riddle in the same thread:
06.18.2007 11:13 AM PDT (direct link)
He has had millennia for reflection, but what image does he see?
  • After 1PM PDT, the transmission log was updated again - AR has been hacked.
  • The coundown speed also appears to have increased. thebruce has a theory which may be chalked up to a code bug

June 19, 2007

  • At around midnight the transmission log text found on was updated once again.
  • At 9:08am PDT, x Foman123 x on bungie.net received a private message (image) from AdjutantReflex, reading:
6/19/2007 - 9:08 AM PDT


He's here. With us. I am already defeated.
Security is failing.
Peril is near.
Warn them.
  • Reports from CompoundIntelligence indicate that AR is communicating there. Group membership is currently open.
  • At 11:32am PDT, AR Posted:
6/19/2007 - 11:32 AM PDT (direct link)
The stain on his hands will not wash.
That damned spot as old as rock and time.
What has he learned in Eon’s slumber?
I doubt it’s mercy or sorrow.
I am diminished.
  • x Foman123 x then received a 2nd private message (image) from AdjutantReflex, reading:
Re: Re: HELP ME.
Tell them I am failing. And that he is stronger. Tell them that security cannot be guaranteed.
Tell them that there is little time.
And that I am crumbling.
  • x Foman123 x later received a 3rd private message (image from AdjutantReflex, reading:
6/19/07 - 12:18PM PDT

Re: Re: Re: Re: HELP ME.

He was always better than I.
More powerful.
More intelligent.
A better machine.
He is not who you think he is.
And I do not know his intent.
  • AdjutantReflex then updated his avatar
Note: 09/25/07 is the release date of Halo 3
Note: MB05032 is a type of potent and selective inhibitor of fructose 1,6-bisphosphatase for controlling gluconeogenesis in type 2 diabetes (mastergrunt44 src)
Note: MB05032 may also be referring to MacBeth Act 5 line 32: Yet there's a spot (there has been much reference to MacBeth in previous postings by AR)
  • A new post at 1:28PM reads:
6/19/2007 - 1:28 PM PDT (direct link)
  • AR's profile is updated to read:
This entity has been terminated, its matrix comandeered.
  • A new post at 1:43PM reads:
6/19/2007 - 1:43 PM PDT (direct link)
Adjutant Reflex is terminated.
Attempt no further communication.
I am utilizing its matrix.
Everything is within protocol.
Tomorrow, things may be clearer but I will not be here to witness the clarity.
I am for another place and another time. On my terms.
Be seeing you.
  • The transmission log was updated again and now reads:
    / Systemic failure. Root cause unknown. /
    / rebooting /

    The timer has also stopped (at
  • x Foman123 x received a 4th private message (image from AdjutantReflex, reading:
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: HELP ME.
The entity you communicated with previously has been terminated and in accordance with protocol. Its matrix is accommodating my requirements.
My identity is not your concern.
My intent is your concern.
  • BoonIsha at unfiction noted that the stopped countdown timer of "001-012-034-053", when treated as GPS coordinates 1.12, 34.53 result in a location in South Africa. Further investigation reveals that the point is in the middle of one of the largest calderas in the world, at the tip of Mount Elgon, also home to some "unusual caves", and not far from Voi

June 20, 2007

  • At 12:00AM EDT, the text above the countdown disappeared, leaving only the halted timer.
  • (This wiki became inactive due to an unexpected migration of the entire wikibruce.com domain to another server during peak traffic hours. The process took longer than expected, but the site's outage was not related to the Halo 3 ARG.)
  • Around 9PM EDT, the transmission log redirected to a different server (a system labelled 'Bounce Path Control'), where visitors were prompted to enter a verification code (image). The first 100 people to enter this code were presented with another page displaying:
Bounce Path Control
The Past (link to an mp3 narrative)
The Key
(23 digit unique key code)
The Path ->
Treat this knowledge with care

followed by:

Key Received
(#) more keys are required before this server's content is available.
For your participation in unlocking this Forerunner database you will be rewarded. More information will be sent to you soon.


The MP3 voice is most likely an AI, saying:
This is how it all begins
Just in time to once again dance upon the knife-edge of oblivion
To relive what the Halos had hoped to destroy and more
For two enemies now stand where before there's only one
A fate we escaped, and a fate you may relive
I had almost convinced myself that no one was listening
That the waves of the past would roll through once again
But a chance remains to change the Universe anew
Learn of our past
Take these keys and dip from the wells of history
Perhaps through others of us you may find how to save us all

June 21, 2007

  • Analysis of the new website called "Server 05" continued
  • Files within the unlocked Server 05 were retrieved, including:
1. "Log 5" video (flv / youtube mirror)
2. Array_Recorder_Data.txt
3. Log5_Transcript.txt
4. StarImage1.jpg
5. Slide_Ref070107.jpg

June 22, 2007

misc game content
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