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Quick Summary

In an attempt to shorten the Outline page to a readable summary, here is what's happened so far. (I've attempted to leave out theory as much as possible, but if it does have some theory, it'll be italicized)

  • -updated 6/22, 11:30am EDT

Part 1:

Basically there's the entity named Adjutant Reflex that showed up on the bungie.net forums posting some odd comments. Popular belief is that this is an AI (or possibly a network of machines / monitors) that's resident in the Forerunner Ark (a little backstory) in eastern Africa. By the sounds of Adjutant Reflex (AR)'s posts, its system is under attack by something, but we don't yet know what. An email was also sent out to numerous people, which includes a strange glyph drawn on the background wall image. That glyph has shown up in an image on halo3.com as well. Soon after, AR also updated its avatar in the bungie.net forums to that glyph.

Part 2:

In a number of cities around the world (5 reported so far) - NYC, San Francisco, London, Vancouver, Chicago, and Boston - a group of people calling themselves the Society of the Ancients have been holding small rallies, and handing out flyers, trying to raise awareness for their website. The group catalogues a number of ancient discoveries, but the latest being the appearance of the symbol, the very glyph found in the email. The latest update to their website includes a link to... are you ready? A website with a countdown (link)!! It's in base 7, and it ends at midnight Thursday morning.

Part 3:

A new Halo 3 comic print ad was found in a Circuit City flyer, and in a Best Buy ad, directing people to halo3.com/comic. But there's also a trick... read the comic, but on the last page, play around with some of the frames... you'll find the 4 numbers of the IP address ( website) which is also linked from the Society of the Ancients website.

Part 4:

Adjutant Reflex updated the world on its status through the bungie.net forums, as it attempted to retain integrity against its attacker. As the onslaught continued, the timer on the transmissiong log began speeding up. Eventually AdjutantReflex succumbed to the attacker. The site reflected this defeat with the timer halting in its tracks as it said "System failure. Root cause unknown. Rebooting." The time left, coincidentally, when treated as GPS coordinates seem to point to a suspicious location in southeastern Africa, near Voi, and near where the Ark supposedly rests. But, before AR was 'sterilyzed', it told us that it would "seek one of [us] out and leave [its] legacy in a small space". This 'legacy' has ye to be found.

Part 5:

Near midnight on June 20th, the transmission log website suddenly directed visitors to a location called "Bounce Path Control", where they were given a 'key' code, and heard a message from an unknown identity asking us to take these 'keys' and research information that would be given us to possibly avert the fate the Forerunners were led to. After 100 visitors had received their keys, the transmission log directed to the unlocked "Server 05", a number of files were made accessible by activating symbols located at various points around a rotating Forerunner object. These files seem to describe a viral outbreak, a log of data occurring moments before the initial firing of the Halos 100,000 years ago, a mysterious star map with a variant of AdjutantReflex's glyph, and a video with a transcript describing the past event.

So what do we know now? (this has some theory in it)

AR was likely a security process in the Forerunner's Ark artifact, and was in a struggle against something attempting to intrude into its system, based on its forum comments and the text that had been changing repeatedly on The site included a countdown that would have ended June 21 at midnight, which is also date of the summer solstice. AR has been successfully erased, and the new entity provided a method for us to unlock a cache of data regarding the catastrophic event that brought the Forerunners to extinction. This new entity is now in control.

The Society of the Ancients hvaen't updated their website, but are presumably extremely interested in the glyph and the location where it was found, in southeastern Africa, where we believe the Ark to be located.

What is this entity that removed AdjutantReflex? What role will SOTA play? What's going to happen next?


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